Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hi Kristi!

     Just wanted to send some recent pics of Daisy She's doing so well and we love her so much!! She's so fun and has a wonderful personality. She makes us laugh and smile all the time! She's grown more but seems to have slowed down in her growth. Not sure what she weighs now, my guess is the mid 30's maybe?
      She is just the best traveler, truly!! We drove to my parents' house in Iowa a few times over the summer and she was so relaxed and such a good girl. We also drove to my sister's house in MO which is also a far drive and she did extremely well. My parents have a pool and she didn't really like it. We didn't know what she'd think, we put her in one time and she immediately wanted out and didn't try to get back in the entire time during our visits. Next summer could be a different story though, she might be more brave. 

     She's also become a very good walker, we go every day which is fun for both of us. My husband takes her jogging sometimes and she's so great at that, too, and really loves it, she's very graceful.

As for grooming, do you recommend having her groomed? If so, how often? We did take her last week to get cleaned up and just a trim but didn't really like how she looked when she came home, lol!! I know she needs to be brushed so she doesn't get matted, but she came home one giant fluff ball! We just wanted her trimmed, especially around her eyes, we felt like she couldn't see too well, but gosh she looks so much cuter with the shaggy look. So anyway, was just curious if you recommend any grooming and how often. We can certainly bathe her and trim nails at home so it's not about that, just more about the hair. I also realize she might still be getting her adult coat.

Hope you've had a nice summer.
The kids are heading back to school, Daisy will certainly miss her buddies being around during the day.

Guess that just means more walks for me and her.

Daisy Shisler Family