Thursday, August 26, 2010

Hi Kristi!

     Just wanted to send some recent pics of Daisy She's doing so well and we love her so much!! She's so fun and has a wonderful personality. She makes us laugh and smile all the time! She's grown more but seems to have slowed down in her growth. Not sure what she weighs now, my guess is the mid 30's maybe?
      She is just the best traveler, truly!! We drove to my parents' house in Iowa a few times over the summer and she was so relaxed and such a good girl. We also drove to my sister's house in MO which is also a far drive and she did extremely well. My parents have a pool and she didn't really like it. We didn't know what she'd think, we put her in one time and she immediately wanted out and didn't try to get back in the entire time during our visits. Next summer could be a different story though, she might be more brave. 

     She's also become a very good walker, we go every day which is fun for both of us. My husband takes her jogging sometimes and she's so great at that, too, and really loves it, she's very graceful.

As for grooming, do you recommend having her groomed? If so, how often? We did take her last week to get cleaned up and just a trim but didn't really like how she looked when she came home, lol!! I know she needs to be brushed so she doesn't get matted, but she came home one giant fluff ball! We just wanted her trimmed, especially around her eyes, we felt like she couldn't see too well, but gosh she looks so much cuter with the shaggy look. So anyway, was just curious if you recommend any grooming and how often. We can certainly bathe her and trim nails at home so it's not about that, just more about the hair. I also realize she might still be getting her adult coat.

Hope you've had a nice summer.
The kids are heading back to school, Daisy will certainly miss her buddies being around during the day.

Guess that just means more walks for me and her.

Daisy Shisler Family
     Hi, Hope you are enjoying your summer. Riley is now 23 pounds! We had a great time in New Hampshire at Lake Winnipesakee.

She loved the sand and playing in the water. She is still not confident to swim but she liked to splash at the lake.

My sister was also there and the two dogs exhausted each other playing every day.

The girls really love Riley and are very good playing with her. So far so good!
Riley Brown Family

Taggerung and Favo Stories

     I've been trying to get a pic of Tagger and Favo playing for you all. They move too fast (or I'm too slow) to get a good one.
     Tagger had sort of decided to start biting on the children and trying to play with them instead of Favo....because this was not what we'd planned (the kids have each other and Favo needed the playmate) I put Tagger in Favo's crate with him. It's an extra large crate so they both fit in there fine. At first he was like, "hey, what am I doing in here with this dog?" Then I think it clicked and he realized he could play with Favo. In the mean time Favo realized that if he was going to get Tagger to play he was going to have to be much more gentle with him. Eventually these things work themselves out. We just didn't want Tagger to get too comfortable playing with the wrong species. They are pals now. Tagger still hangs back a bit and goes back to the deck when Favo and the girls are out because they run around too much. He can't keep up with those uncoordinated puppy legs.
     I put the dog pool out for them yesterday. At first Favo went in and lounged in it while Tagger looked on in amazement. Then Tagger decided to see what it was all about and climbed in. Once he discovered he could go crazy coo-coo dog and bite at the splashes--he had a great time. So much so that when we put the pool up later and stowed it behind the grill on the deck, he squeezed behind the grill and into the pool to see if he could still splash around in it.

I think he liked it !
Tagger Sweeney Family

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We just wanted to take a moment and give an update on Max. He is doing very well. At our vet visit last week he was 68lbs! Max is full of energy. He will fetch non-stop. He is getting better and catching things in the air, though he catches with his paws, not his mouth. We think he is confused and believe he is half receiver, not retriever!

One of the pictures attached is of Max bringing in the mail. This is a daily ritual. Max follows us down the driveway and stops about 15 feet from the road. There he sits while we get the mail. He gets to carry a piece back (usually junk mail-since he slobbers all over it). He gets disgruntled if there isn't anything to carry and huffs around, so we have to open envelopes to give him something to carry. Needless to say he takes this job very seriously.

We are to the point that we leave him to roam our kitchen area while we are at work for the day. He does really well. The only thing he has ever chewed is a rug-he tore it to pieces while we were at a concert. He had been after it for a while in little pieces-not sure why it was a threat, but he took care of it!

We start obedience in September. He knows many commands on his own, but we need to work with distractions and other dogs around. Max is smart and has a great personality. He is very tolerant. He just goes with the flow. He rarely barks, but will growl and huff if something startles him (like reflections in windows). Of course, he does this from behind our legs as we try to figure what has him fired up.

We did get him neutered about 6 weeks ago. He did very well through the surgery. We had a time keeping him settled for the 10 days with stitches. When we picked him up at the vet post-surgery the techs just smiled at us and said, "Good luck". They love him at the office which makes it nice. That is where we have boarded him twice this summer while we were vacationing. He loves it there.

We hope things are going well up North. We were in Archbold last weekend for a conference and thought of you! I still check the page to keep up on the new litters

Again, thank you for such a well-rounded dog.

Max Collins Family
Thank you so much for your help, we are so excited to bring another Riverbend puppy into our home.
We showed Saydie her new sister on the computer and she barked and ran to the back side of the desk to see where she went when we closed the picture.
She is excited and so are we.
Thanks again for everything.
Saydie Butler Family
Hope all is well with you and your family.

Thank you very much for discussing Ella's grooming plan on Tuesday. She is just a big furry teddy bear!

I don't think dogs get any better than this. Great family dog, no shedding and no dog odor. We just love her! 

She is just adored by all of us and everyone she meets.

Thanks again. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Ella sends her love.
Ella Davis Family

                                                       Just writing to say hey and give you an update on The Dude. The Dude is 2.5 years old now and doing great! We just moved into a new home in Washington, DC. He has been the best dog, so easy to train and very smart...almost too smart! He has a great personality and temperment.

He LOVES the water, if there is a pool around he'll find it and go for a swim. A friend of mine recently took some great pictures of him and I thought you guys would like them. Hope you guys are doing well.
The Dude Moore Family

Thought you'd enjoy Hershey's calling card!'.

He recently finished his training and passed his exam to become a certified therapy dog.
He goes with us to visit kids in the shelters , hospitals and nursing homes.
Everyone loves him. He's a real sweetheart... Full of fun and happiness !
He weighs 32# and has the greatest personality!!
Thanks for our little treasure!

Hershel Blackman Family


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hi Kristi,

I just wanted to update you on Dougal at 15 weeks now. Things are going really well in DC! Dougal is really adjusting well to life here. We had a great time on vacation up in Canada for the last two weeks and he did really well with Paterson, our Newfoundland, who he always desperately wanted to play with. Paterson was really gentle with him, but generally not all that interested in playing. He loved spending time in the canoe! While he wasn't afraid of getting in the water, he didn't develop a desire to swim (though he can swim really well!) He was happy to get wet up to his shoulders, but anything more than that, he wasn't interested. It was definitely good to see him comfortable with the water!

Dougal is really great with people and is doing quite well in puppy kindergarten, though he can be a bit shy around some of the puppies. We have found a great training program and are doing puppy kindergarten now, along with saturday supervised puppy play sessions and will begin more formal training on September 8th. He weighs 22.5 lbs now and is growing like a weed! He still isn't eating a ton I would say--maybe averaging 2 cups a day, but rarely more than that ever. But he seems healthy and the vet is happy with his progress so I think everything is on track. He loves his dog walker and we're going to start doggie day care in a while. So far, things are going well! He's energetic and attentive and a joy to be around--everyone loves him!
Here are a few pictures for your collection!
Dougal Chouest Family

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Here are two photos of Eli from earlier today at the beach. She's the best!

 Eli Powley Family

Hope all is well. Here's the sweet boy last week at 8 months. :)

He is now 60 pounds and his personality is just what you see. Very cute and very very funny!
Harry Howard Family