Monday, February 28, 2011

I took these of Lucy during one of our snow days.
She is so much fun.
We were out playing frisbee.

Lucy Robinson Family


 I just wanted to give you a picture of Shavo. 
We bought her 2 years ago this June. 
She is an absolute joy. 
You will be my next stop for a puppy again. 
In this picture, Shavo is being spoiled by my parents. 
She is so healthy and happy. 
She is a clown.

Shavo Banta Family
Hi Kristi and Chad,
We wanted to send you some picutres of Ranger and the kids!
He is doing really well, the kids just love him!
Our daughter (whose b day this was a present for) has been very helpful! She was excited to pick up poop this weekend! Our son has been trying to teach "fetch" since we got him on Friday. Our youngest does not like him except when he is asleep or in his crate. She likes him from on the table or in my arms!  I think she will eventully get used to him :)
He has been doing very good with potty training. We have been following your directions and schedule.
Today Ranger had his vet appt and he did very well. Everyone thought he was so cute!
Ranger Molner Family

Hi Chad and Kristi,

Just wanted to check in with you and let know how things are going with Jameson.  She had her 9 week check up the about 3 weeks ago now, and weighed just under 11 lbs.  Vet said she is growing and doing good.  She was perfect at the vet too.  Tomorrow morning she has her 12 week check up, so hopefully she has gained a few more pounds and is still growing into a healthy pup.

She has such a personality, and that is an understatement.  She knows when I start to get ready for work in the morning that its almost time for me to leave, and she just gets SO mad at me.  She has to be at my side the entire morning.  It is too funny. 

She is a barker for sure, she knows she has a voice and loves to use it.  I love it :) It is amazing how smart she already is too.  My mom says Jameson reminds her of the dog on The Brady Bunch because she will go through each of our rooms and slowly one by one pull random things into my brothers room (which is her favorite spot on his bear rug right now because he is away at school).  And she doesn't chew on the stuff, its just seems like its a game to her to see how much she pull in their everyday without being caught. 

 But we are so happy with her in the family, and the whole family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) have already become so attached and fond of her.  So thank you once again for the wonderful addition to our family.

Thanks again for everything, and I have attached a couple pics and one video of her.  Enjoy!!

Kind Regards,
Jameson Ciolek Family
Hi Kristi & Chad,
Well these are pictures of  our Tig.  Thought  you may  like to have them.  He is  a  RIP!!!!
He is  now 14  weeks old and has started puppy  school.  He got an A+ on the first  day.
He loves the  snow and we love him!
Tig Togno Family



This weekend was 16 weeks and we visited both the vet and the beach J  She weighs 20 pounds and is getting so big!  Everyone asks where we got her and compliments us on how happy and loving Maddie is all the time.  She loves the ocean even though it’s still really cold and spent the day playing with other dogs in the water.  There’s also a dog park nearby that we take her to and she loves to run around and play. 
We’re still working on not peeing in the house.  When she starts to pee we continue to tell her NO and take her outside but for some reason she won’t hold it when’s she’s out of her cage.  She’s in her cage during work days and never goes but we will keep working on it.  Let me know of any suggestions or other way to punish her if you have any.  She goes to the door to go pee outside probably 75% of the time.  Also, if we don’t get to the door right away she squats right there. 
I set up an appointment for her to get spayed on March 9, the shelter only charges 60, the vet said 225…so yes I scheduled it at the vet J  Hope all is well up there and that your weather is getting warmer!

 Maddie Vogelsang Family

Hi Kristi -- I was just thinking about you guys, and how lucky we were to find you. Grover is the world's best dog! He sure does love us, and he is well loved! He also loves everyone he sees! We can't bring ourselves to trim his beard -- we call it his Fu-man-chu. He is pictured here in his banana split costume at Halloween.

We'll let you know when we're ready for a brother for Grover!

Hope all is well!

Take care,
Grover McConville Family
I don't know if you remember me but we bought a male puppy from you on christmas eve. I meet your husband in south bend to pick up the dog. This puppy was a gift for my daughter for christmas, well I just wanted to send you some pictures of Harley and let you know how he's doing.
Harley was a very easy going puppy until about 10 weeks and then he discovered he has vocal cords...
He speaks when he wants everything, for you to look at him, to be pet, just loves to speak and speak and speak. Which is good because he's competing with a 11 year old girl.
On Christmas day when we gave to dog to her she flipped him over and said she was checking for batteries to see if he was real. His feet never touched the ground the first week he joined our family.
He's a wonderful dog and so loved it's scary. He goes every where with me and loves the car. If he cant sit in the front seat you will hear about it.
He's about 20 lbs and a wonderful eater. Loves the snow and just loves to sit out side and have the wind blow his fur.
I have sent you some pictures of him and I hope you enjoy them
Thank you so much he's been a true pleasure and a great addition to our family
The first 2 pictures are Left one is his first puppy cut and right is his first snow fall
Next one is just him sitting pretty for the camera.
Next 2 pictures are Left is Christmas day and that's the way he was carried all week by my daughter and the one with my son is how he sits on the couch and naps with my son.
I hope you enjoy the pictures
The Losurdo's

Hi Kristi,
Just wanted to let you know how happy we are with Bently  He is doing great.   He went to the vet on Sat. and he weighs almost 19lbs.   He and Molly my yellow Lab love each other.   I gave him a bath last week and he did great.  I am feeding him 3 time a day I was amazed how eazy he was to comb out.   Do you know how often I should bath him as a pup? (as needed) 

He sleeps almost all night but he needs out about 3:30 to potty and he goes and he goes right back to the crate as I tell him to.   It is hard to get a good photo he is always moving and with Molly and him together they never stop until nap time.  SO as soon as I get a photo I will send some photos. Thanks so much.
 Bently Karle Family

Gabby Newell....the toy hog....

 Dear Kristi........
 It's very hard to get Daisy in from the snow! She can't get enough!
Take care........Ann Kisin
Hi Kristi and Chad!
We have named him Templeton! He was a gem the whole ride home! He did really well last night. A few cries but that was it! Thank you so much! We are all so happy. Kate (our four year old) deemed him the sweetest and smartest puppy ever! We all agree!
Warmest regards,
Angela and gang

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Clancy (aka Brooke) has now been with us for a full year and it has been wonderful. She is a great addition to the family. Not only do we love her but our neighbors love to watch her antics in the back yard. She is also a favorite at my work place. Once co workers find out she is in my office she has a steady stream of fans coming to visit. The attached picture is one of the few times we were able to get her to stay still for a photo. Again thank you!

The Clancy Reich Family

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Hi Chad and Kristi,

It’s been 5 years since our Sadie was born (February 10, 2006). She came home with us 7 weeks later and has been a joy to us each and every day. As I was reading through some of the posts on your blog I noticed that people speak of how playful, intelligent, easy to train, gentle and athletic these dogs are. My wife and I couldn’t agree more. Sadie has all of those traits in abundance. Sadie is simply the best dog that I have ever known.

Everybody that comes in contact with her loves her. When Mom was in the nursing home Sadie visited a lot and she was so kind and gentle to the people there, staff and patients alike, she became an immediate favorite.
My wife walks with Sadie almost everyday and most of the kids in our neighborhood know Sadie by name. At Halloween Sadie helps us give treats to the children and it’s so much fun to hear them call Sadie’s name as they approach the house.
She absolutely loves to retrieve a ball and will play until my arm is ready to fall off. Her favorite game is Frisbee though, we usually play in the summer and she really shows off her athleticism, running and jumping to catch the disk. Now and then in the winter we’ll play a game of snow Frisbee, what a hoot. She just loves to run in the snow and playing a game just makes it better.

When we asked you how big Sadie would be you said between 45 and 50 pounds. Sadie weighs 47 pounds, you pretty much nailed it.

Well thanks again, we just wanted to give you an update on Sadie. She’s fantastic and every time that I think she can’t get any better she fools me by doing something new.

Jim and Wendy Boone