Wednesday, August 25, 2010


We just wanted to take a moment and give an update on Max. He is doing very well. At our vet visit last week he was 68lbs! Max is full of energy. He will fetch non-stop. He is getting better and catching things in the air, though he catches with his paws, not his mouth. We think he is confused and believe he is half receiver, not retriever!

One of the pictures attached is of Max bringing in the mail. This is a daily ritual. Max follows us down the driveway and stops about 15 feet from the road. There he sits while we get the mail. He gets to carry a piece back (usually junk mail-since he slobbers all over it). He gets disgruntled if there isn't anything to carry and huffs around, so we have to open envelopes to give him something to carry. Needless to say he takes this job very seriously.

We are to the point that we leave him to roam our kitchen area while we are at work for the day. He does really well. The only thing he has ever chewed is a rug-he tore it to pieces while we were at a concert. He had been after it for a while in little pieces-not sure why it was a threat, but he took care of it!

We start obedience in September. He knows many commands on his own, but we need to work with distractions and other dogs around. Max is smart and has a great personality. He is very tolerant. He just goes with the flow. He rarely barks, but will growl and huff if something startles him (like reflections in windows). Of course, he does this from behind our legs as we try to figure what has him fired up.

We did get him neutered about 6 weeks ago. He did very well through the surgery. We had a time keeping him settled for the 10 days with stitches. When we picked him up at the vet post-surgery the techs just smiled at us and said, "Good luck". They love him at the office which makes it nice. That is where we have boarded him twice this summer while we were vacationing. He loves it there.

We hope things are going well up North. We were in Archbold last weekend for a conference and thought of you! I still check the page to keep up on the new litters

Again, thank you for such a well-rounded dog.

Max Collins Family