Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hi Chad and Kristi!

I have been meaning to do this for, well - over a month. :D But I finally found a nice chunk of time.
Banjo and I participated in our first county dog show - one of many more to come! The level that we were in didn't have many people. There were two of us human/doggy teams in rally, and just Banjo and I in showmanship. Banjo and I got first place in Rally and in Showmanship!! I didn't think that we would get first in rally, because the bright orange cones and all the people and dogs seemed to outdo the hotdogs I had for a lure. :) But we did! We won by 2 points! :D

I watched the video we took, and we actually looked pretty good! And of course, with Showmanship, we were kind of forced into first place. But for our first year, and especially for Banjo being 11 months old, I think we did excellent! I am so proud of my Banjo. :)

 I am still working on achieving the goal of certifying him as a therapy dog, but I have decided to wait another year to get some more of his puppiness out! I love the puppiness, but I don't know how everyone else would! :)

On August 9th, Banjo turned one! He now weighs 66 pounds. We celebrated Banjo style: Playing lots, and lots, and LOTS of fetch!! (Outside of course, because we can feel the wind in our fur. ;) Other than that, we didn't do anything special. But everyday I have with Banjo is special, and I think if he could talk, he would agree. :)

He hasn't had an accident in months, but still likes to get me up at 6:30! I think he's just a morning dog. Unfortunately for me, I am not a morning person. But it is nice having my own alarm clock so I don't oversleep. :)

Banjo never fails to make us laugh throughout the day with his klutzy, innocent, loving, and loyal spirit. The thing I look forward to the most upon arriving home is a big Banjo hug. They can brighten up any day! Thanks for a tremendous doodle!

Banjo send hugs and some slobbery kisses your way!

~ Katie and Banjo (and parents and Jack)

~the pictures~
1) My Blue Ribbon Boy Banjo!!! :-)
2) Banjo and the other doggy/master team in our rally class.
3) Banjo and I in the show-ring to receive our ribbon and trophy for rally!
4) Banjo after a game of soccer - definitely a favorite of his!
5) Banjo's one year photograph